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Mobile Spy: Symbian OS

Answers to frequently asked questions about Mobile Spy for Symbian devices.

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How do I open the interface?

You can bring up the interface by dialing #12345* and then press the Send key. The interface will then appear on the screen.

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Selecting an Access Point

When you first install the Symbian OS version you should bring up the interface by dialing #123456789* and enter your username, password and select an access point.

Your access point should be the normal GPRS upload for your carrier. The same GPRS connection you use to connect to the Internet. Then press Hide and reboot your phone.

If you have entered your Username/Password and have selected an access point, yet you are not getting new logs, then try a different access point in your list.

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How do I remove the Symbian OS version?

On your phone’s menu, go to Tools > App Mgr. Then highlight “SettingsUI”. Then go to Options > Remove. Then reboot your phone.

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Installation for Symbian OS version

When using the Symbian OS version, you should first install the software. Then, bring up the interface to change settings by dialing #123456789* and enter your username, password and select an access point. Your access point should be the normal GPRS upload for your carrier. Then press Hide and reboot your phone.

Perform some new SMS or calls. Then check your online account after 10-15 minutes. If the access point you chose is not uploading logs, you should go back into the interface and select a different access point.

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Does the software work on any Nokia phone?

No, not all Nokia phones are compatible. Only smartphones that have the Symbian OS v9.x operating system. Visit Retina-X Studios, LLC’s compatibility page for more details.

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